About us

We want to share our dream with you….
This is how it started:

First idea came back in 2008.
A dream was born…
… but nothing could stand in the way of our dream coming true.
But stone by stone, piece by piece…

We are a true couple who made our dream come true: to restore the old stone house from the late 19th century and get it the way we want it. It took us two years, a lot of hard and solid work and countless hours of conversation and planning. You can see the result on this website.

We are a couple living in Sweden for many years; Anna has her roots in Poland and works as a special nurse at the city’s hospital. Davor, whose family on the father’s side built and owned the property for three generations, was born and raised in Bosnia and, after moving to Sweden in the late 1980s, worked as his own entrepreneur and now as a certified family therapist.

From the ground up, renovating an old building is easy, but keeping the old details in the modern environment is difficult. We are still looking for the perfect balance, convenience vs old details.

Realizing an idea is one thing, realizing a dream is something completely different. There was so much that was against us and our project, everything from finding an entrepreneur who would take that responsibility to realizing our thoughts and ideas, to keeping us reasonably close to the schedule. To say that we have stuck to the budget is an exaggeration at the top, because just like any other project that is more controlled by attention to detail than common sense, it always ends that way. In the end, we are very pleased with the result.

We just love the result.

Anna & Davor

We enjoy every moment we visit Tucepi and our beautiful house.

Our wish is that you as a guest should also do it, find the true feeling of enjoyment and relaxation in an excellent environment.
If you for any reason are not satisfied with your stay, regardless of the details, we would like you to share these with us. Because we actually want you back, we know what we want and wish to offer and are not afraid to redo things, make it better.

It got harder than we thought …
And every single detail…